Dilla Djalil Daniel

(Dilla was Leica Store Jakarta's Ambassador in 2016)

Dilla  has been taking photographs all her life, but it took a challenging workshop in Bangkok conducted by British photographer to really convince her that she had a genuine talent for photography.

Dilla attended many workshops to enrich herself. She attended  street photography workshops taught by world class photographers such as  Alex Webb and Peter Turnley.  She has joined three Foundry Photojournalism workshops, Istanbul, Buenos Aired and Chiang Mai. This also afforded her the opportunity to study with and be critiqued by award winning photojournalists such as Andrea Bruce, Maggie Steber and Adriana Zehbrauskas.

Based in Jakarta, Dilla has now established herself as accomplished photographer with a determined commitment to the documentary and photojournalism approach.


Website: www.dilladjalildaniel.com

Instagram: @dilla_djalil_daniel



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